Extra Miler Awards
Unit Leaders, it’s time to recognize your unit’s exceptional volunteers from 2024 at our 2025 District Dinner!
Extra Miler Award
These recipients are any adult. Any leader or parent, who helps make things happen. It might be:
– That parent who will never buy a uniform and be out in front, but they make sure all the programs are printed for your big event.
– The person who makes sure the snacks are always there.
– That Den Leader, Assistant Scoutmaster or Committee Member who always shows up and goes above and beyond.
– That person who helps you be successful in your scouting role.
It’s 100% up to you who your unit chooses to recognize. Please don’t miss this great opportunity to celebrate, thank, and recognize them!
Recipients will be recognized and celebrated at our Saddleback District Dinner on Thursday, March 14th at 6:30 pm. Dinner Registration details will be announced soon. I can tell you that our guest speaker will be Orange County Sheriff, Don Barnes.
Talk to your other unit leaders today and figure out who to recognize from your Pack, Troop, or Crew.
Up to 25 youth in your unit you can submit 2 award recipients
26-50 youth, your unit can submit 3 award recipients
51-75 youth, your unit can submit 4 award recipients
Step 1 is to submit them using the form found here:
Step 2 Email me a picture of them to: xmilerpic@saddlebackdistrict.org We’ll use that for a slide show at the dinner and to recognize some on Facebook.
Step 3 is to Announce your Extra Miler recipients to your unit and promote the dinner with your unit families so other adults can attend, celebrate, and thank your recipients. Units typically pay for their award recipients and spouses to participate in the dinner, but that’s up to you.
Dinner Registration, Award Names, and Pictures are all due by Thursday, Feb 27th. The dinner registration is open now.
Step 4 is a bonus step. When we post about the dinner on Facebook, please like and share the event. You know we all put things off, so this really helps to get the word out to our district adults!